Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Calm

Traffic was lined up as far as I could see on the main road. I have no envy for those people, inching their way down the pavement to some cubicle, even more cramped than their mini-cars.

I walked the dog around the fields and there is certainly something satisfying about seeing the little green wheat sprouts standing in neat rows. Mt. Unzen, the active volcano to our west, looks enormous when it is shrouded in snow. The snow only fell in the hills and probably won't last long, it never does. It feels cold enough though. A lot of birds from the east come here to winter, so the early morning is full of the chatter from a whole community of birds - like a family reunion. Except for the commuters, the village moves slowly in these cold winter mornings. Obachan's venture out only after the sun is a quarter way in the sky to bring some warmth to the air and there are not so many demanding chores. It is a good time to trim and prune trees, but once that was done, there is actually free time for other pleasures.

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