Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fair Weather Friends?

No fair weather friends for me- my friends only come when the weather sucks. Every time we have invited guests from overseas, there is a rainstorm that washes out our plans. This time, their airplane was turned back from the airport and returned to Tokyo. When they finally arrived the following day, it poured during their entire visit. The sun finally came out as their airplane departed. What a view of Kumamoto.

The wheat is standing is a couple inches of water and the canals are full - huge carp are flapping happily in the murky water. It rained so hard the other day that even the water birds took cover. I had to restake and tie the tomato plants because the gusty torrents knocked over my plants. The peas are kind of blown askew but they are ready to start harvesting.

Obachan went out and plants a section of carrots for the summer. We just scatter the seeds over a wide row and thin as needed. The nasubi eggplant seedlings are ready to transplant into my garden - but a nagging side ache is slowing me down. I'll get to it! The azaleas are in full bloom and my lovely purple irises- the fancy ones - are just ready to open. The onions are ready to harvest- so we harvested those in the small field and will pull up the ones from the big field on the next sunny day. The garlic isn't quite ready yet. It feels like there is never a dull moment in the spring - so many things to be done, so much happening in the garden, such a buzz of excitement in nature!

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