Saturday, April 17, 2010

More spring planting

The wheat fields look like wheat - standing about 3 feet tall and strong heads of wheat on all the stalks. The fields are green and lush.

The veggie garden continues to expand: planted more shiso seeds, basil and bell peppers. Japanese bell peppers (piment) are thin-skinned and small. The thicker fleshed peppers are generally grown in greenhouses. We procured seedlings from an acquaintence, planted them in rows and surrounded them with a mini-house for protection.

The mini-house is made of a fertilizer bag cut on both ends to form a tube. Four stakes are placed around the seedling with the bag on top forming an open-topped wall around the seedling, to give it some warmth.

The weather is still chilly and wet, along with lots of strong spring winds from China.

1 comment:

Sargon Bighorn said...

I'm planting too this time of year. Spring is lovely. What other sorts of veggies do you plant?