Sunday, June 20, 2010

Duck eggs

So, this demented duck decided to build a nest right in the middle of the big field. I had plowed all but one row of cut wheat because I had piled straw along this one row and didn't have time to bundle it before I plowed. She chose the center of that row to nest. Mind you - there is no water here. It is quite a long walk for little duckies to make it to the canal at the end of the field, down a long slippery slope. What was this duck thinking? She made a perfect nest out of my straw and plopped down 7 perfect eggs. She covered them with bits of straw and down so they were difficult to photograph. There is no tall grass to protect them and we have a lot of snakes in the field so I am concerned.

I knew I should be concerned. I went back to the field today and there are only 2 eggs! There is no sign of foul play (or fowl play!) or hatching - just five eggs are missing. It had rained a lot so if a snake had come, you would think I could see snake tracks in the mud. What happened to the eggs? I wanted ducklings.

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