Saturday, June 12, 2010


Plowed under the fertilizer in the dry paddies and plowed the straw into the soil on the upper field. I had a following of young egrets. They are so beautiful, like a company of lithe ballerinas in white leotards with a straw colored cape. With elegant steps, they danced across the rows grabbing up insects and frogs freed by my plow. It's amazing to think that there is actually enough to feed all those birds everyday.

All across the valley, red tractors drove up and down the fields, fertilizing or plowing, in anticipation of the rains. I nearly drove over the edge when my front wheels hit the sandbag wall (which is to prevent me from tumbling 10 feet into the canal below) and spun the sandbag, pulling the tractor over the edge. Crap. I nearly had a heart attack. To plow that field, you have to pull right up to the edge and then crank the wheel all the way to do a tight u-turn for the next row (we don't do big circles or every other row...the fields are small). I really hate driving. Anyway, I backed up and did it right -yikes.

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