Saturday, July 24, 2010

Azuki Beans

The heat wave is not only hot but unbearably heavy air that makes it feel even hotter. The dog is not faring well and elderly folks have been dying from heat stroke. I get drenched in sweat even by 9 am, so it doesn't leave much time to work outdoors.

I did manage to plant a few rows of azuki beans today. Some farmers were planting a late crop of soy beans and I feel like we should be doing the same, but obachan doesn't want to. Azuki beans are also prone to insect damage and need to be sprayed so we don't want to plant a big crop. They are also difficult to harvest efficiently because the pods easily burst open and spill the beans. The beans also mature at different rates on the plant so hand picking them will give a better yield but it is a lot of work. So I just planted a few rows from last year's beans.

I tried to cut the weeds on the west slope and the north side of the big field but the cutter kept dying and I thought if I had to pull that starter rope one more time I would die of heat stroke myself, so after half my work was done, I gave up and came home. I think I drank about 4 liters of tea before I felt revived.

1 comment:

Mirtika said...

Yeah, stay cool and hydrated. We had a heat wave (some record days) last month, and while it's not so bad right now here an online pal of mine over in Japan is DYING from the awfulness this summer.

Yeesh. Come fall, already!

Hang in there. And sorry to hear about the elderly losses, but heat waves do tend to hit them hard, huh? I remember the Paris and Chicago heat waves that killed a lot of elderly. :(