Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rain Makers

Well it's no wonder that our weather has been so funky. It is like someone is controlling a master faucet in the sky - downpour on, downpour off - tremendous outbursts of warm water fall from the clouds that are boiling in the sky and then suddenly, it just stops and there is silence. Crazy, typical rainy season. We slosh around on the roads walking the dogs or checking the paddy fields for flooding. Water in the paddies is good but too much of a good thing can wash away the little plants.

I now know, however, the reason for the crazy weather. High school students have been making teruteru bozu dolls- yes! They make little dolls out of tissues and hang them upside down to encourage the rain to fall so that swim class will be canceled. There are other students who have outdoor activities who are also making little voodoo dolls to stop the rain from falling. The gods must be going crazy.

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