Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sesame and lightning

Planted a row of sesame seeds in the small field today after Taka plowed. It was too wet to plow the big field but I did manage to spray some weed killer on the invasive sugina horsetails.

I dismantled the watermelon house after harvesting the last of the melons. We had a good haul this year and they are all very sweet and delicious. The harvest is stored in the small barn, which is cool, but they are so ripe they will explode if we don't eat them up quickly. That is the unfortunate part of the small farm -in August, when it is really hot and we would want to eat watermelon, we won't have any. I am never too hungry for watermelon when I am wet and sticky as this humid weather makes me feel.

Pulled a few weeds around the house since the rain stopped for awhile and I actually hung the laundry outside in sunshine today! Of course, that didn't last forever.

A huge thundercloud roared overhead - a brief but violent storm - lightning struck something next to the house shaking the windows. It must have hit the satellite dish or pole because the reciever boxes are burned out and the DVD player got fried.

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