Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wheat Harvest

After rains delayed the harvest, we finally had a nice day to cut the wheat. Farmers draw lots as to who gets to harvest first and we have to follow the schedule because the local mill can only handle a certain amount of grain per day. The unseasonably cool weather and excessive rain has reduced our yield and allowed the weeds to grow after the wheat was done, so the harvest is rather disappointing.

That being said, harvest time is always exciting. The village just hums with activity as mini-combines buzz around the fields and little trucks haul the harvest to the mill. Dust fills the the evening, thick white smoke from burning the fields will drift over the valley. The sound of the mill hums 24 hours a day as the trucks bring in grain.

We were expecting 1.9 tons for our small fields and only managed to deposit 1.1 tons into the mill bins...we will probably collect some insurance money for having a poor harvest. Even the straw yield was meager.

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